The next part of the book start to tell use about a civil war that has happened in Wonderland. The civil war was against the “White” and “Black” Imagination which ended twelve years prior to the beginning of the story. Alyss know starting here training with her tutor Bibwit Harte is learning a lot on how to control her powers more, but she is still getting into trouble with her best friend Dodge Anders, also known as the Jack of Diamonds. Before she knows it the castle is under attack led by Alyss’ murderous Aunt Redd. Well the attack was going on Alyss is forced to flee Wonderland with the assistance of Hatter Madigan. Soon after she Flees, Redd sends her top feline assassin only known as “The Cat” to pursue them. Alyss is barely able to escape from the palace. The Queen is killed by Redd and Dodge’s father is killed by The Cat.
If this book isn’t Alice in Wonderland it is very similar, the Hatter Madigan as the Mad Hatter and the cat is that one cat from the movie. This book reminds me of the scene from the Lords of the Rings the Two Towers when the enemy was about to get inside the castle, and they send all the women and children away so they could be safe.
The author of this book has a very creative imagingation in order to think of this. the civil war reminds me of the civil war in the united states between the white and the african americans. Maybe the author of the book wrote during the same time period and thus was influenced by the war.